An immersive Monero project.

Under Development...


Divising means and methods to improve the support of Monero worldwide. This includes projects on mining, code development, as well in-depth mathematical research.


We are constantly providing ease-of-use methods to anyone who wants to join the mining cloud. 

Atomic Swaps

We are planning on implementing numerous resources to make this new technology easily accessible to the community and the world at large. 


We are reaching out the Monero Research Labs and development team to provide assistance in any way we can as well as conducting our own research.


Programming is one of our forté and we hope to contribute to the ongoing projects with the various Monero groups.

Why Monero

The privacy centric coin is of greatest importance to us and to the world at large. Privacy, security, and secrecy is a human right and technologies that establish these characteristics we fully support

Determining the Feasibility of CipherTrace's Claims

Our main concern for Monero is anyone attempting to undermine its main purpose. We feel CipherTrace has made claims that could border on the outrageous. Their blog post from November of 2020 is constantly being circulated by FUD news agencies which add their own reports about tracking wallets - something which CipherTrace never has stated publicly. Given our team's mathematical knowledge, we feel it is important to investigate these claims and determine to what extent (and probability) the likelihood of identifying transactions might be. Read more of what we intend to contribute to the Monero community at the link below. It must be noted than any sensitive findings we may develop will only be shared with MRL and left to their discretion as to whether or not they want to publish it publicy. 

BLOG: Determining the Feasibility of CipherTrace's Claims

Get Mining on Your Old (unused) Smartphone (SIEVErig)

That's right. We recently had a few old Google Pixel phones laying around and so we searched on how to mine Monero on the Android platform. While we found some useful YouTube videos and Reddit posts, they were not comprhensive and left much to be worked out. As with anything else, it gave us the idea that it was possible. We began tinkering around and figured out our own solution that has worked on a HiSense Android TV, and a Google Pixel (original). The TV is mostly just PoC, but can be useful and using Monero Ocean's xmrig and does not destroy the CPU. Click the github link to find out how to mine Monero using the Monero Ocean Pool ( on your old, unused Android device today:

Join us and the Monero team

If you would like to be part of our ongoing project, you can reach out to us at the e-mail address below. We would like to make this page a place where people can learn about Monero and contribute projects for use to share so they can be found on one platform. This will provide ease of use and hopefully better educate the public about the value of owning and using Monero.

sieve [at] eratosthen [dot] es

Download Monerado for Monero Ocean

We are happy to annouce the first (and beta) release of our app for tracking your mining statistics if you are involved and a miner for the Monero Ocean pool. The app displays basic stats received from the public API on Monero Ocean type mining pools. Currently we only have support for Monero Ocean, but as other pools are built on the same framework and have the same API calls, more support will be added in future releases.

The main highlights of this app are the a 20hrs area graph of your (pay) hash rate with maximum, minimum, and average. Each data point is a 20 minute average - so there are a total of 50 data points in the graph (1000 through the API - 1 for every 60 seconds). 

The other nice feature is it shows your XMR Due and XMR Paid. So check it out today at protomens github or on Google Play or Download it here in APK form. We release the full source code as well.


Research Labs

We have an extensive background in both Statistics and the rigorous foundations of Number Theory. It is our intentions to coordinatie with MRL (Monero Research Labs) to use our training in computer science and mathematics to better the coin, create a more stable platform, and anything they wish us to do that is in our power. If you have an extensive background in mathematics and programming, feel free to reach out to them, as we are, so we can grow the technology and platform to wide scale use.

Step into SIEVE

SIEVE as it stands is an ongoing project to better the future of Monero. Providing mathematical research and numerous lines of code - from app development and github projects - to blockchain technologies and theoretical research.